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0800 1 360 360 (kostenfrei) info@namaste-kids.org

Namaste liebe Familie Macht, ich bin Anjina aus Nepal 


Hintergrundinformationen über Anjia

Anjina belongs to very poor family. She lives with her family. She has five brothers and sisters. Among them two were her brothers and three were her sisters. Her father and mother both were the laborer. They both do labor works of others. Her two sisters Srijana and Siwani get married and her one sister (Sabina Gurung) is studying in class 8 and her two brothers (Sabin and Sandip) also studying in class 1 and 5. They have their own house but didn’t have land to do agriculture. Her mother and father both do the labor work but from that work they can’t earn sufficient money to fulfill children’s need, quality education and health. Anjina is good in her study. Due to poor financial economic situation they can’t afford better education for them. So that she needs the help and support from our organization.

Aktuelle Lieblingssongs von Anjina



Wunsch- und Bedarfsliste für Anjina





Geburtsurkunde / Brith Certificate

Krankenversicherung / Health Insurance

Zeugnisse / School Reports


Rechnungen und Buchhaltung

Rechnungen / Bills

Buchhaltung / Accounting

Spendenbescheinigungen / Donation Receipts


Telefonischer Kontakt

Rufen Sie uns an!


Namaste Kids e.V.:

0800 1 360 360 (gebührenfrei)

Aus dem Ausland:

+49 (0) 2202 2728760 (nicht gebührenfrei)

Mo-So:  08:00 Uhr– 20:00 Uhr


Namaste Kids Nepal:

+977 61 521705 (nicht gebührenfrei)

So-Fr: 09:00 Uhr – 20:00 Uhr NPT (MET + 4.45)