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0800 1 360 360 (kostenfrei) info@namaste-kids.org

Namaste liebe Familie Odermatt, ich bin Samiksha aus Nepal 


Persönliche Angaben

Hintergrundinformationen über Samiksha

Samiksha Pariyar belongs to very poor family. Due to this Pandemic Corona Virus her father was dead in the date of 2021.05.30. Now she stay with her grandfather, grandmother, big father, big mother, uncle, aunty, brother and her mother. They lived together in one house but they have separate kitchen. Her mother do the small tailoring work. From that tailoring her mother didn’t earn enough money to  fulfill her and her brother’s needs, quality education and health. If education is not given to her and her brother then it will hamper in their future. Due to this kind of situation they are in need of help and support from our organization.

Aktuelle Lieblingssongs von Samiksha


Wunsch- und Bedarfsliste für Anjina





Geburtsurkunde / Brith Certificate

Krankenversicherung / Health Insurance

Zeugnisse / School Reports


Rechnungen und Buchhaltung

Rechnungen / Bills

Buchhaltung / Accounting

Spendenbescheinigungen / Donation Receipts


Telefonischer Kontakt

Rufen Sie uns an!


Namaste Kids e.V.:

0800 1 360 360 (gebührenfrei)

Aus dem Ausland:

+49 (0) 2202 2728760 (nicht gebührenfrei)

Mo-So:  08:00 Uhr– 20:00 Uhr


Namaste Kids Nepal:

+977 61 521705 (nicht gebührenfrei)

So-Fr: 09:00 Uhr – 20:00 Uhr NPT (MET + 4.45)