Namaste Kids e.V. und Namaste Kids Nepal ist eine in Deutschland und Nepal registrierte Kinderhilfs- Organisation. Wir sind ein Team von engagierten jungen Menschen in Deutschland und Nepal, die sich dafür einsetzen, dass Kinder in Nepal Zugang zu den elementarsten Dingen des Lebens erhalten. Dabei geht es uns um die gezielte Verbesserung der Gesundheitsversorgung, der Ernährungssituation, sowie der Bildung. Dabei wollen wir vor allem diejenigen Kinder erreichen, die in so schwer zugänglichen und abgelegenen Regionen leben, dass sie am stärksten von Armut, Krankheiten und sozialer Isolation betroffen sind. Unser gesamtes Konzept ist von Beginn an auf eine besonders transparente und nachhaltige Entwicklungsförderung ausgerichtet.
Es sind nur 4 Schritte zur vollen Transparenz über Ihre Spende
It's time for some good news! Meet the brothers Shanaya and Samip (first picture) and the sisters Anuj y Aliza (second picture) from the Kapilvastu district. All of them are in good health, have good maintained hygiene (which is something very important to us) and attend school regularly. They take their education seriously and are motivated to do their homework. We love to see when our effort and hard work to help the children bears fruit! ... See MoreSee Less
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Big respectfully vanja baju be strong and Happy okay real Hiroo Never die real love never dai mom and dad 🙏🙏🙏🫀🫀🫀🥲🥲🥲🤝🤝🤝💝💝💝
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A few days late, but better late than never! 😁 We still wanted to use the occasion to share our wishes for our sponsored children. May they receive only the best! ❤️🎇
Do you have any special wishes for them this year? Let us know in the comments! ... See MoreSee Less
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... many reasons to smile every day😜❤️ (Sandip's & Roman's godfather)
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The whole Namaste Kids team and all our sponsored children wish you, our dear followers, a very merry Christmas 2024!
Wir von Namaste Kids wünschen unseren Followern frohe und herzliche Weihnachten 2024!
#children #ngo #namaste #Christmas #weihnachten #navidad #kids #christmas2024 #santaclaus ... See MoreSee Less
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In our last post, we talked about the Tihar festival which was celebrated in Nepal recently. As a little follow-up, our sponsored children Asmit, Aryan, Sumikshya and Sarjina talked about how they enjoyed the celebrations with their caretaker and made some drawings about their experience. They especially enjoyed playing Deusi Bhailo, traditional folk songs sung during Tihar accompanied by dancing from and to neighbouring homes and collecting gifts.
#nepal #tihar #festival #childrenrights #drawing ... See MoreSee Less
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Tihar is known to be one of Nepal’s biggest festival. Beginning with Kaag Tihar, where crows are fed and honored, followed by Kukur Tihar, which celebrates dogs for their loyalty, continued with Gai Tihar, a day dedicated to cows, revered as sacred animals. Finally, on the fourth day which is marked as the day for ‘Laxmi Puja’—Nepalese people worship Goddess Laxmi for prosperity by decorating their homes with lots of lights and lighting oil lamps (diyo) as well as candles.
All of our children home children eagerly gave their hands to make their home beautiful and decorative. We were in bliss to see them love their culture and follow their tradition. Today marks the end of Tihar for this year and we can proudly say that our children enjoyed every bit of it! 😇🪔 ... See MoreSee Less
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We love to see our sponsored children have a good time and laugh, so we wanted to share these two super cute videos with you from Sumiksha, Aryan and Asmit 🥰. They live in the Chitwan district and belong to the Chepang community, a highly marginalised indigenous group in Nepal.
In the first video you can see Aryan and Asmit play together by flipping a bottle - a simple but fun game we all know around the world, don't we? 😁
In the second video, our caretaker Ritu gave them a little riddle to solve, as they had to explain the meaning of the phrase "The elephant went inside but its tail got stuck." Can you guess what it means? 😉
The children couldn't, so Ritu revealed the mystery: It's about a thread going through a needle. 🪡 ... See MoreSee Less
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As we've told you in our last post, it's been Dashain season, one of the biggest and longest traditional festivities in Nepal. We wanted to share some of our sponsored children's drawings that they prepared for this special occasion with you. You can also see families doing the ritual of putting tika on the forehead of the younger family members! 😊 ... See MoreSee Less
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Last weekend, the children from our children's home were picked up by their parents or other family members to spend this year's Dashain festive season at home. ✨
Dashain is one of the most important festivities in Nepal. It's to commemorate the victory of the goddess Durga over the demon Mahishasura and takes place over a period of two weeks. Older family members put tika (raw rice mixed with yogurt) on the forehead of younger family members along with jamara (barley seedlings) on the ear. They also give them blessings and money. The celebration is followed with gatherings of families and friends - and lot of delicious food!
These upcoming days, the children will return to our Children Home, some have returned already. We hope they have had a great and pleasant time with their families.
Happy Dashain!! 🥰 ... See MoreSee Less
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🇬🇧: As you may know from our last post about our child Bishnu, she is finally attending school again after 2.5 years! After going through many obstacles and misinterpretation of her health conditions, she was initially taken out of school. However, now that we have fought together to break that barrier, we’re happy to see Bishnu taking slow steps and thriving at her new school.
We recently visited her at her school and met with her teachers and principal to know about her improvements and inquire about any difficulties she may be facing. Bishnu’s significant progress, both socially and academically makes us even more keen to support her journey forward. We will continue to do what is best for her! 🌸
🇩🇪: Wie Sie vielleicht aus unserem letzten Beitrag über unser Kind Bishnu wissen, geht sie nach 2,5 Jahren endlich wieder zur Schule! Nach vielen Hindernissen und Fehlinterpretationen ihres Gesundheitszustands wurde sie zunächst von der Schule genommen. Nachdem wir gemeinsam dafür gekämpft haben, diese Barriere zu überwinden, freuen wir uns nun, dass Bishnu langsame Schritte macht und sich in ihrer neuen Schule gut entwickelt.
Vor kurzem haben wir sie in ihrer Schule besucht und uns mit ihren Lehrern und dem Schulleiter getroffen, um uns über ihre Fortschritte und eventuelle Schwierigkeiten zu erkundigen. Bishnus beachtliche Fortschritte, sowohl im sozialen als auch im akademischen Bereich, machen es uns noch wichtiger, sie auf ihrem weiteren Weg zu unterstützen. Wir werden weiterhin das Beste für sie tun! 🌸 ... See MoreSee Less
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🇬🇧: Our sponsored child, Sharmila, from Rupandehi district, has achieved a milestone by placing herself in the third position in Nepal Red Cross Circle Manimukunda sub-branch level Elocution competition. We are immensely proud of her participation in such extra curricular activities outside of her school premises and text book curriculum. This accomplishment reflects her hard work and commitment to personal growth, setting a great example for her peers and inspiring others to pursue their interests wholeheartedly. We congratulate her for this remarkable achievement and wish her the best for her future endeavors.
🇩🇪: Unser Patenkind Sharmila aus dem Distrikt Rupandehi hat einen Meilenstein erreicht, indem sie beim Redewettbewerb des Nepalesischen Roten Kreuzes in der Unterabteilung Manimukunda den dritten Platz belegte. Wir sind sehr stolz auf ihre Teilnahme an solchen außerschulischen Aktivitäten außerhalb des Schulgeländes und des Lehrplans. Diese Leistung spiegelt ihre harte Arbeit und ihr Engagement für die persönliche Entwicklung wider. Sie ist ein großes Vorbild für ihre Mitschüler und inspiriert andere, ihre Interessen mit ganzem Herzen zu verfolgen. Wir gratulieren ihr zu dieser bemerkenswerten Leistung und wünschen ihr alles Gute für ihre zukünftigen Unternehmungen. ... See MoreSee Less
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महान मान्यता - बधाई छ
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After a summer holiday of about one month, many of our sponsored children have returned to school these days. Our caretakers have been visiting them at their schools to see if they had done their vacation homework and also if they were performing well the first classes after having enjoyed this longer period of free time.
Wish them best of luck and success for this new school year! 🍀🤞🏻
#school #backtoschool #education #Vacation #children ... See MoreSee Less
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🇬🇧: Our district caretakers play a crucial role in our organization by regularly visiting and providing daily reports on the well-being of our children. Likewise, Our Dhading district caretaker, Mamta and Sharan have reported that our Dhading children are happy and healthy! They have both been doing an amazing job engaging with our children’s lives and interest along with giving motivation for education if needed so. Moreover, they, and all our caretakers in general also cover topics like boundaries, consent, in each visit and assure their overall well-being, laying a strong foundation for the children’s physical and mental health. 🌟🙏
🇩🇪: Unsere Bezirksbetreuer spielen eine wichtige Rolle in unserer Organisation, indem sie uns regelmäßig besuchen und täglich über das Wohlergehen unserer Kinder berichten. Auch unsere Distriktbetreuerin in Dhading, Mamta und Sharan, haben berichtet, dass unsere Kinder in Dhading glücklich und gesund sind! Die beiden leisten großartige Arbeit, indem sie sich für das Leben und die Interessen unserer Kinder einsetzen und sie bei Bedarf zur Bildung motivieren. Darüber hinaus behandeln sie, wie auch alle unsere Betreuer im Allgemeinen, bei jedem Besuch Themen wie Grenzen und Einverständnis und sorgen für das allgemeine Wohlbefinden der Kinder, was eine starke Grundlage für ihre körperliche und geistige Gesundheit bildet. 🌟🙏 ... See MoreSee Less
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We would like to introduce you to Bishnu from Rupandehi who is finally going back to school! We're so happy about this! But why is this a reason to be happy? 🤔
Bishnu only attended school for a total of 4 not consecutive years in her life because both her parents and the government misinterpreted her health conditions and disregarded her too quickly. 😔 She has had some mental health issues - this combined with her strabismus made them think she had some kind of cognitive disability. We believed in her rights to education and made our own diagnostic procedures which showed us that Bishnu isn't actually intellectually disabled and has a normal IQ for her age.
We therefore wanted to enroll her in the Shree Rameshowri School in Pokhara where she was refused by the principal for no legitimate reason. Luckily enough we found another good school who accepted her no issue soon after 🎉. And while we're on the topic of new beginnings: Bishnu also recently moved into our children's home!
Today, Bishnu had her first school day in 2,5 years which was very exciting for her. Bishnu will attend class 3 - being almost 16. It's a shame it has come to this but we're glad we fought for her and her rights! ✨ Leave some encouraging comments below so that Bishnu feels motivated to study hard - because if she learns quickly enough, she's allowed to skip classes! 💪🏻
#childrenrights #children #ngo #nepal #education #school #Rupandehi #pokhara #ChildrensHome ... See MoreSee Less
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🇬🇧: A few months ago, we posted about our child, Kishan, who went through a 1st grade open fracture on his lower right leg. As you may know, we brought him to Kathmandu for the best treatment possible. As of now, we are happy to announce that Kishan’s leg is in very healthy condition. Just earlier this week, he finally took off his cast and there were no signs of inflammation! He has expressed to us that he now has no pain or discomfort at the surgical site and can walk freely! We would like to serve a huge thank you to Kishan’s god parents for selflessly funding the overall expenditure along with our Namaste Kids helpshop, partially supporting the expenditure!
🇩🇪: Vor ein paar Monaten haben wir über unser Kind Kishan berichtet, der sich einen offenen Bruch des rechten Unterschenkels 1. Wie Sie vielleicht wissen, brachten wir ihn zur bestmöglichen Behandlung nach Kathmandu. Wir freuen uns, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass sich Kishans Bein inzwischen in einem sehr guten Zustand befindet. Erst Anfang dieser Woche hat er endlich seinen Gips abgenommen, und es gab keine Anzeichen einer Entzündung! Er hat uns gegenüber geäußert, dass er jetzt keine Schmerzen oder Beschwerden an der Operationsstelle hat und frei laufen kann! Wir möchten uns ganz herzlich bei Kishans Pateneltern bedanken, die selbstlos die gesamten Kosten übernommen haben, sowie bei unserem Namaste Kids Helpshop, der die Kosten teilweise übernommen hat! ... See MoreSee Less
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Very good. Namaste-Kids takes care of sick and injured children!
धेरै राम्रो। नमस्ते-किड्सले बिरामी र घाइते बालबालिकाको हेरचाह गर्छ!
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🇬🇧: Birthdays mark special moments and it appears to us that our child, Sabina’s birthday truly embodied that essence! It’s no wonder that young children cherish their birthdays, prompting us never to overlook each of our children’s special occasions. Our district caretaker, Sulet, organized a remarkable event for the celebration! It was heartwarming to see Sabina’s grandparents celebrating together with her. As Sabina steps into this new chapter of life, we extend her with abundant love, joy, and well-being. It was a beautiful moment, and we, as an organization, are immensely thankful to have partaken in it. Happy birthday, Sabina! May the forthcoming years bring even more happiness and blessings to your journey. 🎈🎂
🇩🇪: Geburtstage sind besondere Momente, und wir haben den Eindruck, dass der Geburtstag unseres Kindes Sabina genau diese Essenz verkörpert! Es ist kein Wunder, dass kleine Kinder ihre Geburtstage sehr schätzen, was uns dazu veranlasst, die besonderen Anlässe unserer Kinder nicht zu übersehen. Sulet, unsere Bezirksbetreuerin, organisierte eine bemerkenswerte Veranstaltung für diese Feier! Es war herzerwärmend zu sehen, wie Sabinas Großeltern gemeinsam mit ihr feierten. Wir wünschen Sabina in ihrem neuen Lebensabschnitt viel Liebe, Freude und Wohlergehen. Es war ein schöner Moment, und wir als Organisation sind unendlich dankbar, dass wir daran teilhaben durften. Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag, Sabina! Mögen die kommenden Jahre noch mehr Glück und Segen auf deinem Weg bringen. 🎈🎂
#Birthday #Children #childsponsorship #childsafety #happy #newyear #NGOgermany #NGOnepal ... See MoreSee Less
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Happy birthday 🎂🎂🎉🎉
Happy Birthday
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Yesterday, our caretakers met up with Khim Maya and Khim Bdr and their grandmother from the Lamjung district. They went to the market together and afterwards, to our office in Lamjung's district headquarters called Besishahar. According to their grandmother, even though they're on their summer vacations, they're doing their vacation homework everyday!
We also took their height and weight for the regular health check up and we're glad to learn that they seem to be of good general health ☺️.
#childrenrights #Lamjung #nepal #ngo #children #homework #vacations ... See MoreSee Less
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🇬🇧: In Nepal, the month of Shrawan, is significant known as the henna mehendi season. During this time, many people, especially women, apply henna on their hands as a part of their cultural and religious practices. It’s a beautiful tradition where intricate henna designs are created, symbolizing good luck and prosperity. The vibrant colors of henna during the month of Shrawan add to the festive and celebratory atmosphere in Nepal. We are happy to share some of our children’s beautiful henna designs and joyful faces!
🇩🇪: In Nepal ist der Monat Shrawan bekannt als die Henna-Mehendi-Saison. Während dieser Zeit tragen viele Menschen, vor allem Frauen, Henna auf ihre Hände auf, als Teil ihrer kulturellen und religiösen Praktiken. Es ist eine schöne Tradition, bei der komplizierte Henna-Muster geschaffen werden, die Glück und Wohlstand symbolisieren. Die leuchtenden Farben des Henna während des Monats Shrawan tragen zur festlichen und feierlichen Atmosphäre in Nepal bei. Wir freuen uns, einige der schönen Henna-Muster und fröhlichen Gesichter unserer Kinder mit Ihnen zu teilen! ... See MoreSee Less
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We’re looking forward to you joining our team! Send us your CV via mail! ... See MoreSee Less
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Parisramī bhagavān santāna 👍
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🇬🇧: It’s time to celebrate!! On June 21, last Friday, it was officially the 8th anniversary of our Namaste Kids’ establishment. Over the years, our organization has made significant strides in providing essential support and opportunities to children in need. From educational initiatives to healthcare assistance, we have been able to positively impact the lives of our children in from various regions. Our journey so far has showcased our commitment to making a difference and bringing hope to those who need it most.
We celebrated this day at our children home as we believe that our children are the heart of our organization. Our team joyfully celebrated this day by sharing their experiences of working with our organization and the highlights of their journey in Namaste Kids so far. We were also accompanied with delicious home-made traditional food 🥘, dance and song performances, and utter happiness. We strive to continue our dedication to our organization for many years ahead!
🇩🇪: 🇬🇧: Es ist Zeit zu feiern!!! Am vergangenen Freitag, dem 21. Juni, wurde offiziell der 8. Jahrestag der Gründung von Namaste Kids gefeiert. Im Laufe der Jahre hat unsere Organisation große Fortschritte bei der Bereitstellung von grundlegender Unterstützung und Möglichkeiten für Kinder in Not gemacht. Von Bildungsinitiativen bis hin zur Gesundheitsfürsorge konnten wir das Leben unserer Kinder in verschiedenen Regionen positiv beeinflussen. Unser bisheriger Weg hat gezeigt, dass wir uns dafür einsetzen, etwas zu verändern und denjenigen Hoffnung zu geben, die sie am meisten brauchen.
Wir haben diesen Tag in unserem Kinderheim gefeiert, weil wir glauben, dass unsere Kinder das Herzstück unserer Organisation sind. Unser Team feierte diesen Tag mit Freude, indem es seine Erfahrungen mit unserer Organisation und die Höhepunkte seiner bisherigen Reise bei Namaste Kids mitteilte. Außerdem wurden wir mit köstlichem, hausgemachtem, traditionellem Essen 🥘, Tanz- und Gesangsdarbietungen und großer Freude begleitet. Wir sind bestrebt, unser Engagement für unsere Organisation auch in den kommenden Jahren fortzusetzen! ... See MoreSee Less
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Meet Soniya, Yadav and Bal from Rupandehi. Our care taker Saru Thapa visited them yesterday. She checked up on their life's at home but also their vacation activities. Soniya is going to college at the moment, though. Yadav is taking part in a computer course and Taekwondo class. Bal enjoys her free time from school but also does her vacation homework - she's so disciplined and we're proud of her! It was a nice visit for both our sponsored children and the care taker. 😊
#ngo #childrenrights #nepal #caretaker #schoolholidays #taekwondo #education ... See MoreSee Less
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🇬🇧: Our children natural affinity towards self-reliance in various tasks, likely influenced by their village upbringing. They independently manage activities like attending school 📚, self-care, studying, and household chores without constant reminders. Our organization significantly contributes to their moral development through our district caretakers’ consistent guidance inclusive of good morals and values, good hygiene 🪥, required nutrition and so on. With our monthly support, we are able to provide them with essential school supplies and household items for an adequate standard of living. Our nawalpur children are an exceptional example of this portrayal as viewed in the pictures! 🌸 ... See MoreSee Less
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🇬🇧: As you may know, we have collaborated with Avya Club in Pokhara to extend the growth of our children physically, emotionally and artistically. Likewise, today our children from children home again had the opportunity to attend this program as they don’t have school on Saturday. We believe it is vital for children to be included in and experience the art of various activities. In this program, our children get to explore different types of sports and activities such as, taekwondo & self-defense, swimming, drawing and coloring and so forth. Moreover, this was a great opportunity for our developmental disability child, Bir Bahadur as he had the opportunity for social participation and access to developmental activities. The enthusiasm that our children have for learning in this program fills us with utter joy and gives us an opportunity to recognize their interests and make occasional plans for such events!
🇩🇪: Wie Sie vielleicht wissen, haben wir mit dem Avya Club in Pokhara zusammengearbeitet, um die körperliche, emotionale und künstlerische Entwicklung unserer Kinder zu fördern. Auch heute hatten unsere Kinder aus dem Kinderheim wieder die Gelegenheit, an diesem Programm teilzunehmen, da sie am Samstag keine Schule haben. Wir glauben, dass es für Kinder wichtig ist, in verschiedene Aktivitäten einbezogen zu werden und diese zu erleben. Bei diesem Programm können unsere Kinder verschiedene Sportarten und Aktivitäten wie Taekwondo und Selbstverteidigung, Schwimmen, Zeichnen und Malen usw. kennen lernen. Darüber hinaus war dies eine großartige Gelegenheit für unser entwicklungsbehindertes Kind Bir Bahadur, da er die Möglichkeit zur sozialen Teilhabe und zum Zugang zu entwicklungsfördernden Aktivitäten hatte. Der Enthusiasmus, mit dem unsere Kinder in diesem Programm lernen, erfüllt uns mit großer Freude und gibt uns die Möglichkeit, ihre Interessen zu erkennen und gelegentlich Pläne für solche Veranstaltungen zu machen! ... See MoreSee Less
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🇬🇧: Earlier this week, on June 9th and 10th, our organization conducted a training session focusing on organizational management, fundamental physical and mental well-being for both the office and district teams. With the primary aim of this initiative being the provision of essential knowledge on basic physical health, mental well-being, and organizational protocols, we were thrilled to see active participation from all our team members. We were also guided by Ram Adhikari sir, on the best ways we can lead our expenses and it’s records. The overall goal of the program was to enhance the capabilities of our teams and to boost efficiency and we are happy to see it already being implemented!
🇩🇪: Anfang dieser Woche, am 9. und 10. Juni, hat unsere Organisation eine Schulung zum Thema Organisationsmanagement und grundlegendes körperliches und geistiges Wohlbefinden für die Teams der Geschäftsstelle und des Bezirks durchgeführt. Das Hauptziel dieser Initiative war die Vermittlung von grundlegenden Kenntnissen über körperliche Gesundheit, geistiges Wohlbefinden und organisatorische Protokolle, und wir freuten uns über die rege Teilnahme aller Teammitglieder. Außerdem wurden wir von Ram Adhikari, Sir, angeleitet, wie wir unsere Ausgaben und deren Aufzeichnungen am besten führen können. Das übergeordnete Ziel des Programms war es, die Fähigkeiten unserer Teams zu verbessern und die Effizienz zu steigern, und wir freuen uns, dass es bereits umgesetzt wird! ... See MoreSee Less
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One week ago was World Environmental Day. Although we have talked about this before on our social media channels, we consider it important to remind our followers that environmental issues pose a challenge for us. The climate crisis and other environmental crises are multifactor crises, after all - they expand over many areas of ours lives.
The children we support live far off in rural areas. They are exposed to the changing weather conditions which at the same time can make it more difficult to visit them as well or for them to get to the city for basic needs or medical attention. Higher temperatures also have negative impacts on the childrens' health and tropical diseases expand quicker than ever. We support our sponsored children in every way we can here locally but it's crucial we as humans and policymakers protect our environment and climate on a global level.
#WorldEnvironmentDay #environment #climate #climatecrisis #health #children #childrensright #climatechange #nepal #ngo ... See MoreSee Less
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🇬🇧: Our children are having a wonderful time doing their studies and school projects! As education plays a vital role in shaping the future of children, our children seem to be well known of this fact. By being able to provide quality education, our children have not only acquired academic knowledge but also developed critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and social skills.
Our children have definitely excelled their project works with flying colors! It empowers us to see our children fulfill their potential, pursue their passions, and contribute positively to society. Their dedication has built a foundation for a brighter future by opening doors to various opportunities and we are utterly proud of them!
🇩🇪: Unsere Kinder haben eine wunderbare Zeit mit ihren Studien und Schulprojekten! Da die Bildung eine wichtige Rolle bei der Gestaltung der Zukunft der Kinder spielt, scheinen unsere Kinder diese Tatsache zu kennen. Durch eine qualitativ hochwertige Bildung haben unsere Kinder nicht nur akademisches Wissen erworben, sondern auch kritisches Denken, Problemlösungsfähigkeiten und soziale Kompetenzen entwickelt.
Unsere Kinder haben ihre Projektarbeiten definitiv mit Bravour gemeistert! Es bestärkt uns zu sehen, wie unsere Kinder ihr Potenzial ausschöpfen, ihren Leidenschaften nachgehen und einen positiven Beitrag zur Gesellschaft leisten. Ihr Engagement hat den Grundstein für eine bessere Zukunft gelegt, indem es ihnen die Türen zu verschiedenen Möglichkeiten öffnet, und wir sind sehr stolz auf sie! ... See MoreSee Less
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🇬🇧 On Wednesday, we celebrated Usha's birthday, one of our sponsored girls from the Gorkhan district.
Of course we had some presents for her, or better said, her godfather did: a birthday letter, photos and various summer clothes.
We love these colourful photos so much that we really wanted to share them with you! Usha was really happy that day and we think you can tell from her smile! ❤️
🇩🇪 Am Mittwoch feierten wir den Geburtstag von Usha, eines unserer geförderten Mädchen aus dem Gorkha-Distrikt.
Natürlich hatten wir einige Geschenke für sie dabei, oder besser gesagt, von ihrem Patenonkel: einen Geburtstagsbrief, Fotos und verschiedene Sommerkleider.
Wir lieben diese farbenfrohen Fotos so sehr, dass wir sie unbedingt mit euch teilen wollten! Usha war an diesem Tag wirklich glücklich, und wir finden, dass man das an ihrem Lächeln erkennen kann! ❤️ ... See MoreSee Less
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🇬🇧: : The right to education is one of the most basic right that should be provided to a child however, it seems that it is not recognized by many. Our child, Bishnu faced a schooling rejection due to being labeled ‘mentally slow’ just because of her strabismus condition. Although, the school explained that they were compelled to differ the ongoing enrollment of older students with low graduation prospects because of high number of students, we found it to be irrational because Bishnu had been successfully passing her exams, setting her apart from many peers.
Having spent a year tending goats and doing household chores due to schooling obstacles, we aim to alter this situation. A psychiatric evaluation, crucial in this process, was planned in Pokhara for a thorough assessment by us. Subsequently, we also consulted with Bishnu’s father to explore options and plan the way forward, despite his initial discouragement towards her education and future prospects. As for now, Bishnu has been suggested to be needing specialized support, for which she will be staying in the children home for a few weeks. ... See MoreSee Less
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🇬🇧: Recently, our organization’s child, Anisha Sarki visited the the hospital for a check-up as she had been complaining about some issues she had been having. After a thorough check-up, it was disclosed that her medical diagnosis was severe and she was in an urgent need of surgery.
Following this, brought her to Pokhara for further investigations and decisions regarding her surgery due to the limited hospital resources in Syangja. Today, we are happy to declare that Anisha had the surgery and it went successful! We cannot wait to follow up on her recovery process and see her thrive without any pain. As the cost for surgeries are generally high, we were able to find this surgery with our Namaste Kids help shop!
🇩🇪: Kürzlich besuchte Anisha Sarki, ein Kind unserer Organisation, das Krankenhaus, um sich untersuchen zu lassen, da sie über einige Probleme geklagt hatte, die sie hatte. Nach einer gründlichen Untersuchung wurde festgestellt, dass ihre medizinische Diagnose schwerwiegend war und sie dringend operiert werden musste.
Aufgrund der begrenzten Krankenhausressourcen in Syangja wurde sie für weitere Untersuchungen und Entscheidungen bezüglich ihrer Operation nach Pokhara gebracht. Heute können wir mit Freude verkünden, dass Anisha operiert wurde und der Eingriff erfolgreich verlaufen ist! Wir können es kaum erwarten, ihren Genesungsprozess zu verfolgen und zu sehen, wie sie ohne Schmerzen gedeiht. Da die Kosten für Operationen im Allgemeinen sehr hoch sind, konnten wir diese Operation mit Hilfe unseres Namaste Kids Help Shops finanzieren!
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This Sunday May 12, it was Mother's Day in Nepal.
The family situation of our sponsored children is not always easy. Some children live in our children. home because of that. But many others still live at home. Anyhow, their mothers would love to provide for their children and offer them a better life but don't have the resources to do so. That's where we step in and help.
Through sponsorships, our Namaste kids also have a Godmother to whom they also wrote happy mothers day letters!
We acknowledge the hard work mothers so oftentimes do. For there is no love like a mother's love. ❤️
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🇬🇧: Our children have yet again finished their 10th grade examination and are granted with 3 months of holiday! After a collective counseling between our caretakers and our children, we have decided that they utilize their time by participating in something that can boosts their creativity, problem-solving skills and sharpens their critical thinking abilities.
Just like our graduated children from last year, they have also decided to take basic diploma computer classes! Our children from various districts have been admitted into their classes by our respective caretakers and staff members. We’re thrilled to support our students in pursuing their interests and achieving greatness!
🇩🇪: Unsere Kinder haben wieder einmal die 10. Klasse abgeschlossen und haben nun 3 Monate Urlaub! Nach einer gemeinsamen Beratung zwischen unseren Betreuern und unseren Kindern haben wir beschlossen, dass sie ihre Zeit nutzen sollen, indem sie an etwas teilnehmen, das ihre Kreativität, ihre Problemlösungsfähigkeiten und ihr kritisches Denken schärfen kann.
Genau wie unsere Absolventen des letzten Jahres haben auch sie beschlossen, einen Computerkurs für das Grunddiplom zu besuchen! Unsere Kinder aus verschiedenen Bezirken wurden von unseren jeweiligen Betreuern und Mitarbeitern in ihre Klassen aufgenommen. Wir freuen uns sehr, unsere Schüler dabei zu unterstützen, ihre Interessen zu verfolgen und Großes zu erreichen!
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As you know, our children’s health is one of our most important concerns which is why our dedicated medical team work tirelessly to ensure their well-being.
Recently our godparents child, Ashok underwent heart function tests at the Pokhara Heart Clinic to assess his heart condition. Despite having no fresh complaints, the tests were done due to his Congenital heart disease and as of now, it is normal but we will be monitoring it continuously to be aware of any threats.
Our child, Kusum also had some medical issues with frequent bilateral ear ache, ear fullness, and occasional drainage. After being examined by our pediatrician, Alex Huppert, it was revealed to be a mild internal infection. She has been prescribed appropriate antibiotic in accordance to her condition for the time being.
We believe that every child deserves the best care possible, and we are committed to providing it.
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🇬🇧: It’s International Labours’ Day! On this day we celebrate the achievements and contributions of workers around the world. While Labour Day is not directly associated with non-profit organizations, many non-profits advocate for workers’ rights and support initiatives that promote fair labor practices. Our Namaste Kids family have been incredibly grateful for the safe and appreciative work environments that is rendered to our workers and staffs!
We are also utterly thankful for all of the uncountable amount of work that our namaste kids family have put into the children’s welfare and to improve their living conditions. It’s great to see the connection between Labour Day and non-profit organizations in supporting workers’ well-being. Let us take this moment to applaud and celebrate all workers around the world!
🇩🇪: Heute ist der Internationale Tag der Arbeit! An diesem Tag feiern wir die Errungenschaften und Beiträge der Arbeitnehmer auf der ganzen Welt. Obwohl der Tag der Arbeit nicht direkt mit gemeinnützigen Organisationen in Verbindung gebracht wird, setzen sich viele gemeinnützige Organisationen für die Rechte der Arbeitnehmer ein und unterstützen Initiativen, die faire Arbeitspraktiken fördern. Unsere Namaste Kids-Familie ist unglaublich dankbar für die sichere und wertschätzende Arbeitsumgebung, die unseren Arbeitern und Angestellten geboten wird!
Wir sind auch sehr dankbar für all die unzählige Arbeit, die unsere namaste kids-Familie für das Wohlergehen der Kinder und die Verbesserung ihrer Lebensbedingungen geleistet hat. Es ist großartig, die Verbindung zwischen dem Tag der Arbeit und den gemeinnützigen Organisationen bei der Unterstützung des Wohlergehens der Arbeitnehmer zu sehen. Lassen Sie uns diesen Moment nutzen, um allen Arbeitnehmern auf der ganzen Welt zu applaudieren und sie zu feiern!
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🇬🇧: Did you know that in Nepal, the top three students of each class are awarded with prestigious rewards for their academic achievement? 🤗Like so, we cannot miss this moment to tell you about the incredible achievements of our children from Rupandehi district. Just last week, a total of 12 of our children ranging from kinder-garden to grade 9, were honored 🗞️ with beautiful gifts, certificates and abir (red powder) on their foreheads which is used as a sign of blessing or auspiciousness!
These pictures showcase the beautiful moments captured by our Rupandehi caretaker, Saru and Akash 🙏, as our children receive their highly deserved honors consisting of notebooks, pencils, sharpener and other stationery essentials for students! We are very proud to see them achieve such milestones in their academic life and we have no doubt that they will become successful figures in the future!
🇩🇪: Wussten Sie, dass in Nepal die drei besten Schüler jeder Klasse für ihre schulischen Leistungen mit prestigeträchtigen Preisen ausgezeichnet werden? 🤗Also können wir es nicht lassen, Ihnen von den unglaublichen Leistungen unserer Kinder aus dem Bezirk Rupandehi zu berichten. Erst letzte Woche wurden insgesamt 12 unserer Kinder, vom Kindergarten bis zur 9. Klasse, mit schönen Geschenken, Urkunden und Abir (rotes Pulver) auf der Stirn, das als Zeichen des Segens oder des Glücks gilt, geehrt 🗞️!
Diese Bilder zeigen die schönen Momente, die unsere Rupandehi Hausmeister, Saru und Akash, eingefangen haben, als unsere Kinder ihre hochverdienten Auszeichnungen, bestehend aus Notizbüchern, Bleistiften, Anspitzern und anderen Schreibwaren für Kinder, erhielten! Wir sind sehr stolz darauf, dass sie solche Meilensteine in ihrem akademischen Leben erreicht haben, und wir haben keinen Zweifel, dass sie in Zukunft erfolgreich sein werden!
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Photos from Namaste Kids's post ... See MoreSee Less
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Just a quick reminder: If you take over a sponsorship for a child with our organisation, as godparents you can then send them letters which makes them very happy always! On the photos you can see Rosie Tamang replying to her godparent's letter. Those godparents sponsorships allow for a child to get proper education, health care and enough food, among others. DM us for more information or check out our website (link in bio) if you could consider such option. 😊 ... See MoreSee Less
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